This grade is the most common used in road construction industry. Bitumen with lower penetration is used in the warm climate regions and higher penetration grade is used in colder weather.
This is a standard grade bitumen usually used as a paving grade bitumen suitable for road construction. Also viscosity grade bitumen is suitable for wide range of temperature.
VG10: Normally used in spraying application in very cold climate.
VG20: Used for paving in cold climate.
VG30: This grade is produced during the oxidation of vacuum bottom in distillation tower.
The main usage of this grade is to construct extra heavy duty bitumen pavement also could be used in road construction, waterproofing, building construction industries. It is the most suitable grade for use in hot and rainy weather.
VG40: This grade is highly used in stressed areas such as intersections, this is a good replacement of 30/40 penetration grade.
This grade is produced by passing air through soft bitumen under controlled temperature condition. It is simply harder bitumen which could be used for roof insulation, flooring, water proofing industries, pipe coting and etc.
This is a type of dissolved bitumen containing minimum 50% bitumen. To produce this type, solvent oil such as kerosene is widely used during consumption of this bitumen the solvent oil evaporates and the bitumen remain to obtain the desirable adhesion.
Cut back bitumen is used as an adhesive material between road foundation and asphalt coating in road construction industries and etc.
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