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Summer Savory Extract

Summer Savory is a one-year-old plant with greenish-red thin branches and is one of the oldest Iranian herbal medicines.
Savory is one of the most aromatic, delicious and rich in nutrients for the body, and is considered as an important medicinal plant.

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Summer Savory Extract

Summer Savory is a one-year-old plant with greenish-red thin branches and is one of the oldest Iranian herbal medicines.
Savory is one of the most aromatic, delicious and rich in nutrients for the body.
Summer Savory’s leaves contain essential fecal essential oil phenols such as thymol and carvacrol. Thymol is one of the most important essential oils with its antifungal and disinfectant properties scientifically proven. Summer Savory is a perennial crop that is native to the eastern Mediterranean and southwestern Asia.

Summer Savory Extract is obtained from steam distillation from leaves and leaflets. As well as, this is a colorless or yellowish-flavored essential oil that has a nasty and flavorful scent that remembers the taste of pepper.

Summer Savory Extract Uses:

Summer Savory Extract herb has a warm nature and gastric booster effects, digestive facilitator, anti-flu, and diuretic. Also, it is very suitable for diarrhea treatment and is a strong disinfectant.
Researchers have shown that three times a day, Summer Savory and 50 mg per kg body weight each time, increase prothrombin (PT) and prothrombin parathyroid activation (APTT), both of which are coagulation factors Blood.
Summer Savory plant reduces the weight.

**You Can check the other essences of herbs in our website. click here**

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