Showing 181–192 of 231 results

Scented Break Tea

In 1279 the first tea gardens in the Lahidjan city and by the ambition Kashefossaltaneh was established and several years

SHIRKA Cocoa Ice Cream

Milky ice cream( SHIRKA Cocoa Ice Cream ) with the highest quality. The special features of SHIRKA Ice Cream, in addition to its delicate taste, can attribute to its most important feature that no additives ingredient added during the production process.

SHIRKA milky Ice Cream

Milky ice cream (SHIRKA milky Ice Cream) with the highest quality. The special features of SHIRKA Ice Cream, in addition to its delicate taste, can attribute to its most important feature that no additives ingredient added during the production process.


High-quality fresh Shrimp HLSO (HEAD LESS SHELL ON) by the largest producer in Iran is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3, protein, and phosphorus. This type of shrimp has no head but its shell is on, and, you can remove it to your liking.


High-quality fresh Shrimp HLSO PRECOOKED (head less, shell on) by the largest producer in Iran is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3, protein, also, phosphorus. This type of shrimp has no head, but has shell and tail, and, its precooked and almost ready to use.


High-quality fresh Shrimp HOSO (HEAD ON SHELL ON) by the largest producer in Iran is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3, protein, and phosphorus. This type of shrimp has a head and shell on, and, you can remove it to your liking.


High-quality fresh Shrimp HOSO PRECOOKED (head on, shell on) by the largest producer in Iran is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3, protein, and phosphorus. This type of shrimp has head, shell and tail, and, its precooked and almost ready to use.


High-quality fresh Shrimp HLSO (HEAD LESS SHELL ON) by the largest producer in Iran is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3, protein, and phosphorus. This type of shrimp has no head and no shell or tail, and, its peeled completely.


High-quality fresh Shrimp P.T.O (PEELED TAIL ON) by the largest producer in Iran is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3, protein, and phosphorus. This type of shrimp has no head and shell and it is peeled completely but its tail is on, and, you can remove it to your liking.


Introduction Since its foundation, Golestan has been expanding the range of its products and now it processes, packages and distributes

Sour cherry-Faloudeh CUP Ice Cream

Ice cream with the Sour cherry-Faloudeh flavor (Sour cherry-Faloudeh CUP Ice Cream) with the highest quality. Ice cream with the Sour cherry-Faloudeh flavor (Sour cherry-Faloudeh CUP Ice Cream) with the highest quality.    

Spearmint Essence

Mint (Spearmint Essence) is a plant that is warm and dry with many medicinal properties and can be consumed in various forms, including fresh, dried, essential oil, dill, powder, and so on.

**Sale And Delivery by a German Company In All parts of Europe, placed in Hamburg**