Food and Beverage
Ice Tea
Ice Tea
Imperial Beluga Caviar
Jelly Powder
KITTY-Shaped Ice Cream
Lemon Balm Extract
Lemon Balm Extract is to relieve nausea, stomachache, stomach stiffness, palpitations, unilateral headaches, dizziness, anger, insomnia, pregnancy vomit, young girls' anemia, toothache and pain relief in young girls and Women are very effective.
**Sale And Delivery by a German Company In All parts of Europe, placed in Hamburg**Lemon-Faloudeh CUP Ice Cream
Lentil Canned
Licorice Extract
Since ancient times, it has been used as the largest gastric ulcer and gastric disorder. According to traditional medicine doctors, Licorice Extract properties have been used to treat gastric ulcers in three to four months, as well as believed that the decoctione of the Licorice root cleans and healthy the stomach.
**Sale And Delivery by a German Company In All parts of Europe, placed in Hamburg**Liquid Chocolate
LUXE CUP Cappuccino-Vanilla Ice Cream
Cappuccino Vanilla ice cream decorated with chocolate topping & piebald chocolate (LUXE CUP Cappuccino-Vanilla Ice Cream) with the highest quality. The special features of LUXE CUP Cappuccino-Vanilla Ice Cream, in addition to its delicate taste, can attribute to its most important feature that no additives ingredient added during the production process.