Food and Beverage
Green Tea Bag
Green Tea Bag
Henna Extract
Henna is the most famous natural color of the planet. Due to the presence of tannin, it exhibits astringent effects. In general, most of Henna's coloring and therapeutic effects are due to the presence of Lawson's substance, but it does not work alone, and especially the coloring properties of it depend on other materials.
**Sale And Delivery by a German Company In All parts of Europe, placed in Hamburg**Herbal Tea Bag
Herbal Tea Bag
Hollyhocks Extract
Hollyhocks Extract has traditionally been used to treat asthma and cough, sore throat, and as an expectorant membranes and as a conditioner for wounds and dry skin.
USES: Cough, Foaming, Helping to Improve Bronchitis, Treating Dry Coughing Caused by Colds or Smoking **Sale And Delivery by a German Company In All parts of Europe, placed in Hamburg**